Our Latest Ofsted Report

Our Latest Ofsted Report

Our most recent Ofsted Inspection was on 11th and 12th June 2024.
'Lent Rise School continues to be a good school.'
Please find a copy of the report below.

We are delighted to inform you that Lent Rise School has retained its ‘good’ judgement by Ofsted in our inspection on the 11th and 12th June 2024. 

We are incredibly proud of the whole report, which begins ‘This is a welcoming and inclusive school where staff’s best intentions for pupils’ achievement and well-being are clear.’

The report states:

‘The school’s ambitious curriculum demonstrates its commitment to high standards.’ Our staff work tirelessly to plan and teach meaningful lessons in a well ordered sequence across the school and we are delighted that the high quality curriculum we deliver is celebrated.

‘The programme for pupils’ wider development is exceptional.’  We’ve always known the impact this wider development has on pupil outcomes and are proud that our vision that every child should have the opportunity to ‘shine’ has been recognised!

‘Pupils behave respectfully to each other and staff. The school’s values and high expectations for behaviour are commonly understood by staff and pupils.’ Our values are the foundation of our education strategy and help everyone know what to expect and how to achieve our goals.

Our pupils are the reason we are all here and we are pleased that they have been commended in the report: ‘From the early years up, pupils work hard and listen carefully in lessons.’

We thank parents and carers for providing valuable feedback during the inspection. 

Continual commitment from our staff and volunteers each day, week, term and year ensures our school is the very best it can be; working to improve and develop all the time. 

Lent Rise School Academy Trust is a Company incorporated in England and Wales,
limited by guarantee with registered Company number 9801986.

Registered office: Lent Rise School, Coulson Way, Burnham, Bucks, SL1 7NP • Tel: 01628 662913