Learn, Reach, Shine!
Whole School Curriculum Overview
Our Classes
Extra Curricular Opportunities
Yearly Government Assessments
Active School, PE and Sport
Sports Council
Fit in Five Swimming BikeabilityLent Rise's Sports Council is made up of children from Year 5 and 6.
Together, the council member support, advise, organise and lead games and sports across the whole school.
The children are involved in creating the 'crazes' at lunchtime - they create activities and competitions for children to complete during their lunchtime - using selected sporting and play equipment. They encourage and offer advice on how to make improvements too.
The captains also support the teachers in creating the sporting competitions across the school and leading their relevant hose team to success.
The students are leaders across all competitions - organising the competition and making sure they run smoothly. They are also support the Healthy School Council by thinking of new initiative and ideas to improve health and exercise opportunities around the school!
We also have a number of individual sports captains and vice captains for Netball, Girls and Boys Football, Athletics, Hockey, Swimming, Basketball, Ice Hockey, Cricket, Rugby, Dance and Cycling.