


At Lent Rise School our intent is to inspire children to investigate and develop an enquiring mind about the world around them.  We aim to equip them with scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding so that they understand the implications of science today and in the future. We want to build children’s science capital by: fostering a love of science and developing positive attitudes towards scientific enquiry; understanding the influence of science in everyday lives and the use and transferability of science knowledge and skills for future careers; providing stimulating scientific experiences for children both in and out of school and exploring cross-curricular links to increase opportunities for children to utilise and revise their science knowledge.


All teachers foster a love of science and develop positive attitudes within their classrooms by delivering exciting and engaging lessons which are adapted for all the children appropriately.  Where possible, science knowledge and skills are integrated into cross-curricular work to highlight the links between science and other subjects.  We have developed a clear progression pathway to ensure that each year is building on prior learning in topic areas that are covered multiple times.  The progression pathway and year group planning cover the required learning objectives from the national curriculum.  Practical work is integrated into every unit from early years to year 6 to enhance children’s engagement in science and develop their enquiry skills.  Working scientifically skills are continuously taught alongside subject knowledge, also with guidance from a clear progression pathway. We further enhance science teaching through the use of outdoor learning opportunities, workshop experiences from visiting experts and school trips linked to the pupils’ science learning.  Every year we continue to raise the profile of science during science week when the children explore their own scientific questions and ideas through hands-on practical work.


The impact of our teaching approach is that the pupils engage with and enjoy their science learning.  They particularly enjoy practical work, and they can remember and recall the details of experiments that they have carried out in the past.  Through monitoring attainment and progress data, we can identify areas of strength and areas for development to improve pupil progress.  We listen to pupil voice and use learning walks alongside book looks to continuously adapt and develop our science provision.  Children leave year 6 with an understanding of how science has changed our lives and with ideas about how they could be involved in science in their future careers.

Pathway Subject Statement: 

To inspire children to investigate and develop an enquiring mind about the world around them.  To equip them with scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding so that they understand the implications of science today and in the future.

Lent Rise School Academy Trust is a Company incorporated in England and Wales,
limited by guarantee with registered Company number 9801986.

Registered office: Lent Rise School, Coulson Way, Burnham, Bucks, SL1 7NP • Tel: 01628 662913