Summer Term

Welcome to Year 3
Meet our Teachers
Our Summer Learning

English We are going to start the term creating non-chronological reports about our very own dragons! We will be taking inspiration from the text “The Boy Who Grew Dragons” by Andy Shepherd. This will be followed by funny rhyming poems based on the same text.  

After the May half term, we will be reading “The Nothing to See Here Hotel” by Steven Butler. We will use this to create our own narrative endings before learning how to create accurate reviews  

Maths – We are spending the first few weeks completing our mass and capacity topic, learning how to accurately measure and compare them both. We will then move onto fractions, adding and subtracting them before learning how to reason with them. Following this, we learn how to convert money between pounds and pence and add/subtract these amounts. We will then spend several weeks learning about time. We will start off with a recap of telling the time to the hour before moving onto accurate time to the minute. Using this, we will complete more complete problem-solving questions about time. Penultimately, we will be learning about shapes, including the vocabulary horizontal, vertical, parallel, and perpendicular. Finally, we cover simple statistics by creating a drawing pictograms and bar charts.  

Topic – We finish the year with a fascinating topic, learning all about Anglo-Saxons. We will start the topic by looking at the origins of these interesting people, including where they came from and their reasons for moving to the UK. Following this, we learn about life during this time and compare it with our own.  

Science – During the summer term, Year 3 cover forces. We will start by completing lots of practical learning about friction, understanding how this force affects us. The children will then have the opportunity to learn how magnets work and their applications in every-day life.  

RE – This term we will be learning about Hinduism, spending the first 6 weeks focussing on deities within the religion before learning about traditions within their religion.  

PSHRE The first half term will focus on family and friendship, allowing the children to learn about the relationships they have made throughout their life. The final half term is about how we change as people, focussing on how we have changed and looking forward to the future.  

Art – We will be creating fabric collages, inspired by Barbara Shaw.  

DT – Our DT will begin after the half term. We will spend 6 weeks focussing on creating a pizza brand and finally cooking our own.  

Spanish – We are going to finish our topic on vegetables before moving onto musical instruments. We will complete lots of matching activities, allowing the children to associate pictures with the correct vocabulary.  

Guided Reading We will continue to cover the VIPERS targets throughout the term. Our texts will be “The Reluctant Dragon”, “Beast Quest” and “Flyntlock Bones – The Eye of Mogdrog”. 

Computing – We will spend the first half term focussing on events and actions on Scratch. In the second half term, we will be creating animations.  

Trips, Visits and Visitors
Each class will have the opportunity to partake in an Anglo-Saxon workshop, being transported back in time!  
One class will have the workshop on Tuesday 16th April and the other on Thursday 18th April.  
Student Voice
What did you enjoy in the spring term? 
'I liked learning about the Romans because I learnt something I haven't heard before. They invaded nearly all of Britain.'- Lucas
'I really liked DT when we made our pneumatic moving monsters. We worked in pairs which made it even more fun.' - Isla
'I liked learning about shadows. We measured the length of the shadows in our playground. I want to learn more about how and why shadows appear. I wonder how long the longest shadow in the world would be!' -  Alexander
'I really enjoyed learning about the Romans. The best part was making a poster to get people to join the Roman army.' - Charlie
What are you looking forward to in the summer term? 
'I'm looking forward to learning more about grams in maths. I have learnt so much already but I want to learn more. I love maths.' - Ella
'I'm looking forward to going swimming with school. I'm also very excited about learning more about dragons.' -  Bareera 
Useful Learning Links
Key Dates

PE – Monday & Wednesday 

Library – Monday  

Year 3 Recommended Reads
Questions to support your child with reading.
Accelerated Reader
Weekly Word Count Winners:
15/04/24  - 19/04/24 
3A- Taran- 106,821 
3E - Avneet- 84,799 
22/04/24  - 26/04/24 
3A- Ivy - 65,935 
3E - Ella - 77,325 
3A- Taran - 190,858 
3E - Leo - 79,166  
06/05/24 - 10/05/24
3A- Georgina & Jessica  - 332 
3E - Leo - 21,084 
13/05/24 - 17/05/24
3A- James  30,980 
3E - Leo - 38,570 
3/06/24 - 7/06/24
3A- James  30,285 
3E - Ekam  - 34,909 
24/06/24 - 28/06/24
3A- James  60,638 
3E - Leo  - 37,595 
Year 3 Class Buddies
3A: Sienna, Darcie, Rose 
3E: Georgiana, Florence, Kyreen, Aariya

Lent Rise School Academy Trust is a Company incorporated in England and Wales,
limited by guarantee with registered Company number 9801986.

Registered office: Lent Rise School, Coulson Way, Burnham, Bucks, SL1 7NP • Tel: 01628 662913